
I am passionate about research and teaching Geoscience at many levels. I enjoy engaging with curious nonexperts in my community about the local geology, for example, as much as I enjoy instructing undergraduates or presenting new research done by myself and others. I will always jump at opportunities to observe wild rocks in the field, yet I spend most days writing code, manuscripts, proposals, and/or trying to be useful to my students and colleagues.

My dreams of working long days studying rocks in the French Alps. Made with OpenAI's DALLE2 model.

Figure: My dreams of working long days studying rocks in the French Alps. Made with OpenAI’s DALLE2 model.

100-meter scale fold in Paleozoic limestone from Provo Canyon, Utah

Figure: Riding by 100-meter scale folds in Paleozoic limestone in Provo Canyon, Utah.

Scholarly teaching

Scholarly teaching is an evidence-based approach to teaching and learning in higher education—and a core focus of my professional development. Read about my teaching interests and review the evidence of teaching effectiveness that I have been documenting since 2020. See my CV for a complete list of courses that I have taught.

Cycling enthusiast

I have a deep passion for cycling. When I’m not working, I’m usually training, racing, wheeling around coffee shops, or planning my next adventure. I am also willing to guide tours. Follow me on strava.

My dreams of riding long hours in the French Alps. Made with OpenAI's DALLE2 model.

Figure: My dreams of riding long hours in the French Alps. Made with OpenAI’s DALLE2 model.

Racing the Belgian Waffle Ride in Kanab, Utah

Figure: Racing the Belgian Waffle Ride in Kanab, Utah.